Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books and is an awesome way to for book bloggers to interact and find each other. Such a wonderful idea! There's a new question every week that all the participating blogs have to answer. This week, Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews asks, "When you write reviews, do you write them as you are reading or wait until you have read the entire book?"
My answer: I always wait until I have finished the book, partly because once I start a book I tend to be lost in it and don't want to emerge until finished, and also because I want the whole experience/feel of the book before I review it. There have been books I haven't liked much up to half way through then loved the second half, so I think it is fairer to finish the book before reviewing it. Although I do sometimes think of good things to put in my reviews, but by the time I finish reading the book and write the review, I have forgotten what I was going to say. lol!
The Hop lasts Friday-Monday every week, so if you don't have time to Hop today, go back later and join the fun! This is a weekly event! And stop back throughout the weekend to see all the new blogs that are added! We get over 200 links every week!!
The Hop lasts Friday-Monday every week, so if you don't have time to Hop today, go back later and join the fun! This is a weekly event! And stop back throughout the weekend to see all the new blogs that are added! We get over 200 links every week!!
I'm a new follower.
45 Book Bloggers have joined our
Follower Appreciation Hop.
Come join us!!
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Have a great weekend!
~Inspired Kathy
I Am A Reader, Not a Writer
Hey there! I'm your newest follower from the hop. Great review on the Hunger Games! I loved it too. Honestly, Who doesn't?!
I'd love it if you stopped by my blog!(:
Have a great weekend,
Angela Z
New follower who is stopping by from the blog hop.
I try to take notes when I'm reading a book I want to review but sometimes I get so absorbed in the book it slips my mind!
Jen @ Overused Parentheses
Hi! I am stopping by from the hop and am a new follower :) I also wait until I finish the book, but tend to think of things to say in my review, but forget them by the time I'm done xD Have a blessed weekend!
Just hoppin' on by.
I review much like you do. I wait until after I read the entire book, because my perspective on the novel might change after the end. I don't write reviews mid-book, but I DO jot down my thoughts on word or post-its, and highlight passages that are memorable to me. I tend to have a loose memory, so I need SOMETHING to remind me about things I wanted to say. xD
Frazzled Book Nommer
Hi, thanks to all my visitors, i have checked out all your blogs in turn. and am now following you. :D
'angelatarantula' thanks for the feedback. just about to do review of book 2 in the series, can't get enough.
'Elizabeth' thanks for the great comment. have visited you, and wow your site looks cool.
'Jen' and 'Katie' nice to hear from like minded readers, thanks for stopping by.
'Inspired Kathy' thanks for the comment, checked out your site, very cool. Noticed in your 'read' list you had Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick, i am so jealous can't wait to read it but not out till mid October!
Hi, I'm you newest follower (#5) from the hop. Hope you stop by and visit me.
Kristina, thanks for the comment. I would take notes as I go, but i get so submerged in the book, i can't pull myself away long enough.
I checked out your blog. very cool, and i like your reviews, very detailed. quite want to read '20 Boy Summer' now. am now a follower. also like your blog name, made me giggle. :D
Jennifer, thanks for following, have visited your page, it's awesome, love the design.
Hi, Enjoy your blog and glad I'm a follower.
Keep up the fun blogs.
Mike Draper
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