Friday 11 May 2012

FF (69) & TGIF (52)

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.

This week's question feature is from
The Fake Steph Dot Com

Q: This Sunday in the U.S. is Mother’s Day, in celebration, what are some of your favorite books with strong mother/child relationships?

My Answer: I have to admit that absolutely nothing comes to mind. There aren't many books that i've read that have good parent relationships. Mostly teenagers off on their own, or Vampires, dragons, etc.

If I had to pick one I would have to say Skulduggery Pleasant books, Stephanie does go off on her own on dangerous adventures with a walking, talking skeleton. But she gets on really well with her mum and you can tell they love each other a lot. 

It's kind of a pathetic answer but it's all I got.


This meme is hosted by GReads!

This Friday's Question:

Supporting Characters: We tend to gush over those main characters the most, but what about those supporting roles? Who are some of your favorites?

My Answer: Oooh, good question. I love Eve in the Morganville Vampires series, she is completely kick butt. Of course Cinna from the Hunger Games, that guy is a sweetheart, you've gotta love him! Stevie-Rae from the House of Night series by P.C & Kristin cast, she was my favourite for many of the books. Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom in Harry Potter need a mention, I know they become more main as the books go on, but I love them throughout the series. I think I'm getting carried away!


Happy Hopping, have a great weekend everyone!!!


JennRenee said...

Luna Lovegood rocks! I named my dog after her. happy friday. my friday.
new follower.

veela-valoom said...

It is a hard question! Most YA books don't really focus on positive parent relationships do they?

My follow friday. Hope you'll visit

Unknown said...

I had a really hard time with this question too! Check out my FF @ I'm a new follower, by the way! :)

Sophie said...

My answer was kind of half assed as well. This was a toughie... New follower:) Would love if you'd consider returning the favor:)

barmybex said...

Jenn- thanks! Luna was always one of my favourites. :D Awesome name for a dog. :D

Veela - it's true, they don't! Never really realized until now.

Joana - it was a hard one.

Sophie - I think quite a few answers have been. Thanks for following.