Friday 7 September 2012

FF (86) & TGIF (69)

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.

This week's question feature is Fantasy Book Chick

Q: What book(s) are you reading right now? What do you think of it?

My Answer:  I am currently reading 'Dash & Lily's Book of Dares' by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan and I am really enjoying it, it's great, I've laughed out loud quite a few times and I am desperate to know how it finishes. There is some swearing in it though which surprised me a bit. 

I am also reading 'Z-Apocalypse' by Steve Cole and it is awesome, last part in a trilogy and it's as fabulous as the first two. :D

My TBR pile is mounting ever higher so I need to hurry up a bit with my reading. So many books, so little time!!!


This meme is hosted by GReads!

This Friday's Question:

This weeks feature doesn't seem to be up yet, will update later if it appears on GReads site. Thanks.


Annette Mills said...

Aww. Dash and Lily is great! Haven't heard of the other one.

barmybex said...

Yeah I love it so far. :D
Ooh you should check Steve Cole out! he's awesome. Mainly writes for Middle Grade by the Z-Rex series is for slightly older end. He also writes Doctor Who books. I'm hopping over to your page to see what you're reading :)

Vicky @ A Backpack Full of Adventures said...

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares has been on my wishlist for a few months. I really need to get a copy and read it. :) So glad you're enjoying it!

Unknown said...

Dash & Lily is one of my favorite books ever! It's sooo funny :)

Liza’s Feature Friday

Cassi Haggard said...

To be read pile is currently terrifying. Sounds like you're doing two good reads right now which is always nice.

My follow friday! Please visit!

Rebecca (@ Garrulous and Bookish) said...

I really liked Dash and Lily's (I also enjoyed Nick and Norah's) and there is quite a bit of cursing in both of them- the characters seem to curse a bit more then the teenagers I grew up with. I also love Strand (I practically lived there last winter) so that may have something to do with it. I hope you have a great weekend. I am a new follower :)

theyabookworm said...

I'm going to have to check out the books your reading- haven't heard of them! New GFC Follower!

~Caitlin :)

Annette Mills said...

BTW... TGIF is on hiatus for a while...

barmybex said...

Vicky - get it, get it, get it! :D
Liza - was very good, not a favourite but I did really enjoy it.
Cassi - I know! for every book I read I add an extra 2 or 3 to read. Impossible to get down.
Rebecca - I haven't read Nick & Norah but heard good things, I might have to check it out. I would love to visit the Strand, sounds great! Thanks for following
Caitlin, thanks, they are definitely worth looking up.
Annette - thanks for letting me know, any idea why or for how long?

Anonymous said...

Dash and Lily sounds great :) I should read it then.
New follower :)Check out MY FF

Heather said...

Z-Apocalypse sounds like my kind of book... XD

barmybex said...

Samaine - definitely check it out, was great!
Heather - is a fab series, i highly recommend! :D
Thanks for stopping by