I was out shopping in the week with my friend and of course we went into Waterstones Book Shop - I mean, you can't go shopping without going into the book shop, right!
Anyway I was looking around and the first thing that made me squeal was seeing this on the shelves:
Anyone read it already? Is it good?
Then I went over to the Teenage Fiction display in the corner and they had a shelf of suggested Christmas Presents, and on that pile was something I just had to have.
A Hunger Games Calender!!!
And it's a special 16 month one - it means it's already started but I don't mind. It was £9.99, but I had some points on my Waterstones Card which meant I could get money off - so in the end I got it for £5.49
I though I would upload some pictures of it for you all to drool over! hehe
This is the front cover.
December 2011 - Katniss, love this one.
January 2012 - The Mockingjay
November 2012 - Rue's Lullaby. :'( but great to have it up.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the pictures every month.
So, who's jealous and rushing out to get one?
If you want to see the rest of the photos go to my Facebook Page, they are all in an album on there. :D
OMG I LOVE that calendar. I wonder if they have it here in the U.S. I'll have to keep my eye out for it.
:D hope you can get one.
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