VANESSA anxiously waits for her birthday, a boyfriend and
some much needed excitement in her dull and boring life.
She soon finds herself torn between two guys. Well, I guess that is what she would call them, even though one is a dead Alien King.
MAX, a dead alien who is trapped in limbo between two worlds and longs for Vanessa, his destiny, to help him home and become his Queen. He offers her his world, his heart and his future.
TOBY, a good looking guy who shows an interest and a desire to be with Vanessa, has confessed that he too has a destiny that he's meant to be with another. However, it’s a destiny he doesn’t want.
The connection that Vanessa has with Max is strong but the desire she has for Toby may be even stronger.
Will she accept what Destiny has in store for her or find a way
to escape to find one all on her own?
She soon finds herself torn between two guys. Well, I guess that is what she would call them, even though one is a dead Alien King.
MAX, a dead alien who is trapped in limbo between two worlds and longs for Vanessa, his destiny, to help him home and become his Queen. He offers her his world, his heart and his future.
TOBY, a good looking guy who shows an interest and a desire to be with Vanessa, has confessed that he too has a destiny that he's meant to be with another. However, it’s a destiny he doesn’t want.
The connection that Vanessa has with Max is strong but the desire she has for Toby may be even stronger.
Author Bio:

Through the years, my desire of writing a novel had finally become so overwhelming that I actually become motivated enough into making my dream of being a published author come true.
Since I have been focusing on writing more, I find that I can get so engulfed into my fantasy writing world that it's difficult to have to close up shop for the night. All I can say is that I enjoy every second of creating something out of nothing.
I hope you enjoy reading my book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please watch for more to come.
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Twitter: @KimberShook
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