Friday 6 July 2012

FF (77) & TGIF (60)

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.

This week's question feature is from
Jennifer @ Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

Q: Jumping Genres: Ever pick up a book from a genre you usually don’t like and LOVE it? Tell us about it and why you picked it up in the first place.

My Answer: I always swore I would never read a Vampire book, I used to have nightmares when I was young about vampires climbing in my windows and biting me so it really freaked me. Then for Book Day at work one year 'Marked' by P.C & Kritsen Cast was on the reading list. There was 6 books on that list and I had to read them all, I put Marked off for as long as posible but then I couldn't avoid it anymore and had to read it, to my surprise I really enjoyed it. It wasn't the best book I had ever read but I was surprised by how much I got into it. I ended up reading the whole series (ongoing) this opened up the whole vampire/paranormal genre for me and I'm glad it did. 


This meme is hosted by GReads!

This Friday's Question: 
Comfort Reads: Which books do you go to for comfort & familiarity?  
Is there a type of book you seek out when you're needing that extra bit of comfort in your life?

My Answer: I have a few comfort reads, Harry Potter is of course one of them, recapturing that magic works every time. I also tend to read 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' by Lemony Snicket, they are so easy to read and fun that it reminds me of my childhood and it does make me feel comfort. Others like Hunger Games will now be included on my list. 

I also tend to like a bit of 'Chick Lit' if I'm in need of some real comfort - something light and fluffy that doesn't require much thought but is fun and easy.




Happy Hopping, have a great weekend everyone!!!



AP said...

Aw vamps aren't so bad! Hope this helped get over our dreams. =)

new linky follower

-Amanda P
Paranormal Romance

Christina said...

Glad you got into the vampires! It's really fun when it's well done!

New follower via GFC.

Please stop by my blog, Ensconced in YA!

Auggie said...

P.C. Cast, huh? I actually saw a few of her books today but didn't venture to pick them up because they didn't seem like they would be my cup'o'tea. But, you know, maybe I'll have to give them a try!

New Follower!

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I had no desire to read a vampire book until Twilight. Now I love the genre.
My Hop

Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

It's wonderful that one book can change your whole reading habit :D

Anonymous said...

I've read the House of Night series. Glad you enjoyed them!

New follower!

Happy Reading!
Austine @ The Red Reader ==> Read my #FF

barmybex said...

Thanks Amanda - no, they're not so bad.

Christina - true they are, but htey have to be done well!

Auggie - they are definitely worth a read, but maybe go to your library first to see if you like them. They tend to split people - either love or hate.

Alison - I can't stand Twilight, but it's great it introduced you to the Vampire world. :D

Mel - it really is! Love it.

Austine - cool, I still like them enough to want to know what happens next but they are dragging out a bit now.