Friday 27 December 2013

Book Review - Midnight Alley

Title: Midnight Alley
Author: Rachel Caine
Series: The Morganville Vampires
Publisher: Allison & Busby
Release Date: 5 Sept 2008
ISBN-13: 978-0749079222

Morganville is such a nice place to live...and die. If you don't mind that sort of thing. When Claire Danvers learnt that her college town was run by vampires, she did what any intelligent, self-preserving student would do: she applied for a transfer and stocked up on garlic. The transfer is no longer an option, but that garlic may come in handy. Now Claire has pledged herself to Amelie, the most powerful vampire in town. The protection her contract secures does little to reassure her friends. All of a sudden, people are turning up dead, a stalker resurfaces from Claire's past, and an ancient bloodsucker extends a chilling invitation for private lessons in his secluded home.

My Review
This is it, the book where we finally meet Myrnin! He is by far the most awesome character in this series, he is completely crazy, deranged and to be honest dangerous, but you can't help but like him. I love how he is introduced and how you get to see all the different sides of his personality. 
This book has a lot more action in it, or at least it feels that way, everything seems to go wrong for our four protagonists, but they refuse to give up which is sort of what I love about them. Eve is more sarcastic and I love her witty replies, Michael has stepped up and after his big decision in the last book is more involved than ever and I can't help but admire the big brother vibe he has with Claire and his desperation to keep everyone safe. Shane, well Shane's still a bit of an ass at times but you see more of his heart in this one and he's really growing on me.
The politics of the town are getting darker and you can feel that the story is building up to something much bigger, if you can spot the clues you know where disaster is likely to hit next. But even so when it does happen, you still feel a little surprised.
I read this in about 3 hours and did not want to put it down. This series just keeps on getting better and I'm looking forward to journeying through the rest of the series with these characters. 

My Rating

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