Wednesday 16 April 2014

Book Review: Witch In Love

Title: Witch In Love
Author: Ruth Warburton
Series: Winter Trilogy (book 2)
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Release Date: 5 July 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1444904703

Anna still finds it hard to believe that Seth loves her and has vowed to suppress her powers, no matter what. But magic—like love—is uncontrollable. It spills out with terrible consequences, and soon, Anna is being hunted. Abe wants Anna to embrace her power, while Seth is pushing Anna to accept that his feelings are real. She finally does, a moment too late. Suddenly, it's like the Salem witch trials all over again: burnings, torture, and faceless judgements. In the face of the ultimate betrayal, who will save her?

My Review
So after reading book 1 I had a lot of things I wanted to know and I was for some reason addicted so I dived straight in to book 2. Overall I have to say I think i enjoyed this book more than the first. It has a really creepy sort of feeling to it, there is something or someone after Anna and they are up to know good, mix that with secrets from her past and darker magic it just had a darker feel and I liked it, the book really set the atmosphere. Anna also seems more realistic in this book, she's developed more and I feel like I know her better and can therefore understand where she's coming from, it was good to see her grow throughout the story.
This book starts off with action and excitement and it carries on throughout the book, keeping you interested and wanting more, I actually felt my heart rate increase a number of times as I held my breath and raced on to know what would happen next. 
I really liked Seth in the first book, but for some reason my suspicions were raised by him but I couldn't put my finger on why. But I kept reading waiting for him to do something that would make me see why I felt that way, it was cleverly done as I had to keep reading to discover his secrets and whilst I didn't get the outcome I expected - it was still very good and I was still shocked.
I'm actually glad I enjoyed this book more, I had my reservations after the first one and wasn't sure if I would want to finish the series. Although I wouldn't say this is the best series ever, it is enjoyable and I do have to read the third book - I need to know how it all ends. There are so many things I want to see resolved.

My Rating

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