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Craziest thing you’d be willing to do for an ARC you are dying to read (aka what would you doooo-ooo for that ARC you want? *think of the Klondike Bar music*)
via A Great Read
My Answer: I don't tend to do anything for ARC's, I know that no amount of begging, pleading, bribery or violence will get me one so I don't really do anything. Publishers have lists of people they use and if you are lucky there will be extras so at most I send an email asking or would consider making a youtube video if they asked for it, but overall I wouldn't do anything extreme. Maybe I have become jaded over my years as a blogger, but sometimes you have to know when you are beaten.
Happy Hopping and Blogging!
1 comment:
Yeah I can't think of anything that gets me so excited/crazy that I'd do anything too wild for an ARC. I've never been the type of person that gets a thrill out of reading something before anyone else.
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