Monday 11 April 2011

10 Good Things on a Monday (9)

Ten Good Things on a Monday is a fancy meme hosted by Nice Nina @ Brush Up on Your Reading!

Here's how it works:
  1. Think of a particular group of good things you want to make a list on, does not necessarily have to be about books, e.g. your current book wish list, or your favorite book foods (you know, foods you love to eat while reading, if you're like me), or your favorite girly names, whatever you can think of, as long as it makes you feel good.
  2. If you have no ideas for a list, you can always visit my blog post to check out my theme for that week and you can take a cue from my list.
  3. Post your list on your blog, grab that cute ARGH button above and put it on your post too, so we'd know you're doing this meme.
  4. Leave the link for your post on my own 10 Good Things post for the week, if you see others doing it, comment too and let's share our good things with everybody.
  5. Everybody goes through the whole week happy!

This week I am going to do my top 10 pictures that make me smile

1) Ampthill Park - this is a short drive from me, an open park you can walk around. The views are amazing and I feel so free there. Wish I had time to visit more often.
2) My Cats (Henry & Chrissie) sitting either end of our book case - they look like bookends. So sweet. Couldn't get them in one pic so had to get the two sides and put them together.

3) The blossom on our Cherry Tree is now out. I took this picture whilst lying in the back garden with Chrissie (my cat brown/ginger one above) Spring is definitely here, we've got gorgeous weather at the moment

4) Taylor Swift concert November 2009 - this was the first concert I ever went to and it was magical. The set was breath-taking and it is one of my favourite memories. This was the set for Love Story

5) My other cat Max sunbathing in the back garden. isn't he gorgeous!!!

6) The Disney Castle - I always dreamed of seeing it up close and finally made it in Feb this year, was beautiful and one of the best experiences of my life. My first holiday and Disneyland! :D

7) The London Eye - I went on this with one of my great mates before the Taylor Swift concert in 09. It was a wonderful day of firsts, the ride on the London Eye was a late birthday present from my mate, and we both enjoyed the experience. It's well worth a visit.

8) The Eiffel Tower - memories of my first ever holiday and seeing one of the worlds great landmarks, we went up the Eiffel Tower too and got a great view.

9) Big Ben - again saw this in 09 after the London Eye, we were literally standing right at the bottom of it. Love this picture, one of my favourites. Love the angle. 

10) Beautiful countryside view - took this on Wednesday when I was out on the Mobile (Travelling) Library, thought it was a lovely view, I really like the windmill on the horizon. Was such a beautiful sunny day.

I love photography and am always taking photos - just for fun though, I like to make memories that I can look back on.
So they are my 10 for this week.

Have a good week everyone. :D


Anonymous said...

Hi, coming to you from 10 Good Things. Love your cat photos - they're so cute!

And that's a great photo of Big Ben - the angle makes it look almost surreal.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I love all of your pics, especially the kitties! I am a crazy cat lady. Hats off to you for riding The London Eye, no way could I get on there. Thanks for sharing.

Nina B. said...

I may have to do this list in the future! This is a wonderful idea for a list and thank you for sharing it. I hope you wouldn't mind if I borrow this theme sometime :D

I am loving the photos of your cats, especially Max's. He looks very cuddly! And I envy your cherry blossoms tree. Must be really fantastic when the blossoms float into the air.

Again, thank you for sharing your good things for this week Becky, have a great week!

Brush Up On Your Reading

barmybex said...

Thanks for the great comments.

Nina of course you can use this as a list, my pleasure.

My Kitties are gorgeous and I love em to bits, have endless amounts of photos. :D

Have a great week.