Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books and is an awesome way to for book bloggers to interact and find each other. Such a wonderful idea! There's a new question every week that all the participating blogs have to answer.
This week actually is not a question but the chance to promote a Giveaway - but you can't promote your own.
This is quite a cool idea, so my blog to promote is: 'The Crazy Bookworm' who is Giving away a copy of one finished hard cover copy of 'The Day Before' by Lisa Schroeder.
So hop on over and enter. :D
Follow Friday

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.
This week's question comes from Lisa @ Read. Breath. Relax
Q. Let's step away from besties...What is the worst book that you've ever read and actually finished?
My Answer: tough one, I honestly don't know. I try to finish every book I've started, and so there have been some bad ones that I fought my way through, but I tend to wipe it from my mind, too many good books to refill the space!
This meme is hosted by GReads!
This Friday's Question:
Blogger Confession: What's the last book you could not finish?
(or had a hard time finishing?)
My Answer: The last book I didn't finish was 'Capt. Hook: The Adventures of a Notorious Youth by J.V. Hart. I tried to read it as I love most things to do with Peter Pan and Captain Hook, but this was just unbelievable and the writing style didn't grab me so I had to give up. But that was about a year ago. I tend not to give up on books, I try to fight through them, but this one conquered me.
Haha I like your answer! I'm a new follower, btw.
Old follower stopping by! I had a hard time choosing a book that I didn't enjoy also! I finish every book, so I chose one that I had to read for school. Check out my answer on my blog!
Happy Friday!
Kriste @suchateenagebookworm.blogspot.com
Hi there,
New follower here. I love the word barmy so I basically had to follow lol!
Hope you enjoy your weekend,
Ninja Girl
thanks Maia - welcome!
welcome back Kristen, i'm heading to you now. :D
Thanks Ninja Girl - I follow you because I love NInja's, so we're equal there, :D
Have a good weekend.
I actually said the same thing you did until I got to hopping around and other bloggers choices jogged my memory.
stop by and see
Good answer! I haven't even read of that book, though I am starting Peter and the Starcatchers.
New follower :)
Hopping through. Too bad the Captain Hook book didn't work for you. It sounds interesting in theory.
My Hop
Book Blogger Hop Answer:
Our own blog hop host Jen at
Following you on GFC
lol Good answer. :) New follower hopping through. Hope you're having a good weekend!
Reader's Refuge
Hi, I'm a new follower from the blog hop!
Picking a book you didn't like seems to be the hardest question out there right now for bloggers to answer ;)
I have my own giveaway ending this Thursday if you're interested in entering! http://everafteresther.blogspot.com
Welcome Alyssa! :D
Brenna, thanks for hopping through, will check it out. :D
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