Hey everyone, I can't believe we've moved into another year already, 2015 - just can't get my head around it.
Firstly I want to say thank you to all my followers, readers and fellow bloggers. Thanks for sticking with me and reading my blog.
2014 wasn't the best year for me books wise, usually I will read about 180 books a year on average. This year I only read 86. That's not even half.
Here are the books I did read:
There are a mix of reasons why it was so low, mostly personal, some academic. But it meant that I wasn't as active on this blog and I didn't spend much time visiting others either. So it's been a slow year for this blog wise, so I'm grateful to you all for being loyal to me.
Basically, I had a couple of months near the beginning of the year where I almost hit depression, I didn't get a job I wanted at work (a promotion) - one that I've been aiming for for years, and my boyfriend at the time broke up with me. I sank very low and didn't see the point in anything - including reading. But my friends and family were great and I found some amazing books, both of which kept me from sinking entirely. That's the closest Ive ever come to being that down and I never want to get to that point again.
But life did turn around, I found a new passion for my current job and the people there, I realised just how appreciated I was and although I don't want to be in this job for the rest of my life, for now it will do whilst I work towards something else. I have found an amazing new guy who just blows my mind and has really turned my life around - he's like magic, he's my prince! and on top of that I have started a course with the Open University.
As I can't afford to stop working, the Open Uni is perfect for me, it's all done through online study and submissions, they send out all the required study materials and you just fit it in around your everyday life. This does mean I have to manage my time carefully and it can be very hard work, but I know it will be worth it.
I am studying a BA in English Literature, and it has a module that specializes in Creative Writing which is exactly what I want to look at.
I have decided that I would love a job in publishing. I have researched it a lot over the last couple of years and it's something I can honestly see myself doing and being good at. And this degree will help me get one step closer to achieving that goal.
However this does mean that I still don't have as much spare time to read; fitting in my job, study, my boyfriend, the sports I do and other bits and bobs leaves little time for reading. But I still have a book with me wherever I go and I will be squeezing pages in whenever and wherever I can.
I have currently set my target at 100 books in the year, and I am hoping that this will be achievable. I still have a lot of books on my shelves that I haven't read and I am way behind on Review Requests. Shockingly so, I really need to pull it together and least catch up with those. So just know that if you are waiting for a review from me, I am so sorry i has taken so long, but I am working on catching up. If you think I have forgotten about you - please feel free to drop me an email reminder.
In 2014 I signed up to 5 Challenges:
1) 100+ books in a year
2) Books you can read in a day
3) TBR pile challenge
4) Library Books challenge
5) Full House Challenge
I didn't manage to complete any of them. However I was only 1 away in challenge 2, 4 and 5 which I am actually quite proud of.
I am now going to sign up to some challenges for 2015.
First up is:
You Read How Many Books? This one's hosted by Book Dragon's Lair.
There are several levels to choose from
Level 1: 100 minimum
Level 2: 150
Level 3: 200
Level 4: 250 or more
I'm going for Level 1: 100 at least!
I was short of this number last year, but I'm going to aim for 100, hopefully I will manage more but we will see.
This challenge is the 'Library Books Challenge' hosted by Book Dragon's Lair. Basically it is to read as many books from the library as possible. As I work in a library this should be easy.
- board book - 3
- picture book - 6
- early reader - 9
- chapter book - 12
- middle grades - 18
- Young adult - 24
- adult - 36
- just insert IV - 50
Although I didn't quite make it last year, I was close, so going for the highest level straight away.
I'm signing up for the Full House Reading Challenge 2015 hosted by Book Date.
By the end of 2015 I hope to have read a book from each of the categories and achieved a 'Full House'
This challenge is hosted by Roof Beam Reader and the aim is to read those books that have been sitting on your shelves for over a year. I have a lot of these and the list will be on my 'challenges' tab.
Fifthly and lastly:

The Alphabet Soup Challenge hosted by 'Escape with Dollycas' and the goal is to read a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet.
So wish me luck for the coming year.
I wish you all the best for the year too.
Happy Reading and Blogging!!!
Becky welcome once again to the Full House challenge, what a shame that you were only one away from completing it in 2014, but hey as you say something to be proud of.
I wish you well for your study, can be difficult doing it online but I am hoping it will work out well for you.
One door closes I think you could say and a new door opens. Enjoy the new door!
Thanks Kathryn, looking forward to it.
Cheers, is hard work but sure it will be worth it.
And yes, those new doors are great opportunities. All the best for 2015 :)
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