Thursday 7 June 2012

Armchair BEA - Beyond Blogging

"Has blogging opened up opportunities for you beyond getting free, advance copies of new books? Has it helped you get offers to write or review elsewhere (maybe even for pay)? Have you gotten invites to special events or places you might not have been to otherwise? Today, we'd like you to talk about those opportunities in your own posts.  "

Blogging has definitely opened up some opportunities for me, in a variety of ways. I do have Amazon Associates where I have a box on my sidebar advertising books and if you click on it and then end up buying something from Amazon I get a small payment, but it's been there for a year now and I only ever had one click so far which earnt me 12p, which they won't pay me until it becomes enough to be bothered with so it's a bit of a dead loss, but I like the box and image and it doesn't hurt to have it there.
I also have a 'donate' button, in case anyone ever felt inclined, a way to help me pay for giveaways etc, and so far that hasn't got me anything either, but again having it there doesn't hurt.

No, my opportunities are definitely more book based. Of course I recieve free ARC's which really is the only thanks I need, it saves me money on books and I discover some fantastic new reads that way, but I love how Blogging has put me in touch with so many authors. I have quite a packed schedule of Guest Post/ Blog Tours I am taking part in over the next two months and every author/publicist etc I am in touch with is really friendly and always grateful and it makes me feel good for helping them, and also happy that they find my blog good enough/interesting enough to want to host on. It really is awesome.

Through blogging I have also found some very helpful people, either fellow bloggers/writers or publicists that offer me all sorts of advice and opportunites. For example I found out about an online writing competition and whilst I didn't win, it gave me the chance to enter and practice. I have found Publishing sites I never knew about that I can look to submit to (Anyone that didn't know - I want to be a writer/author. I've written 1 complete book and have 2 more on the go, and want to get puclished one day) Blogging has given me a variety of contacts that I can pursue.

I have also talked and met some awesome authors. Beth Revis feels like a friend, I follow her blog and she always replies to her comments so although I've never met or spoken to her properly I feel like i know her (and she rocks!)
Partly through work, but then enhanced by my blog I ma now friends with several authors on Facebook and am pleased to say they are human too! And very friendly and encouraging.

I got invited to a Book Launch party in London thorugh blogging and although the party was a bit flat and we were a bit bored, it was still an experience. I have found out about other events and met some authors and other book fans there.

Really, blogging has given me a world of opportunities and I feel so blessed to be part of this awesome community every day. So thank you, thanks for reading and commenting and visiting and just being awesome fellow bloggers. You all rock. 

Sorry if that was long again!

Don't forget to enter my giveaways - links at top right of sidebar.


Nea said...

Heeeey :) Beautiful post! And I wish you good luck with your books! Never give up on your dreams! ;) Enjoy aBEA! ;)

The Perpetually Annoyed said...

I like the idea of getting free books for reviewing them!

Anonymous said...

Free arcs are nice! Good luck on becoming published.

Anonymous said...

Getting invited to parties isn't bad. . .unless there is no champaigne! There are many organizations that teach the craft of writing. The Writer's Digest sells a class wherein published authors review and critique each monthly assignment. I signed up once but the teacher died and then the substitute teacher died. I gave up at that point. Events like Thriller Fest have classes as well as adult ed courses at colleges.

barmybex said...

Thanks Nea!I will fight on until my books are on the shelves. :D

Michelle - it is a good perk, but even if I didn't get them I would still love blogging!

Thanks layoffthebooks!

Violette - hehe, I don't mind if there is no champagne, as I don't drink alcohol, but I know for many it is a must.
Sounds like you had a run of bad luck with the tutors.
I've looked at local classes and been to a couple, but there aren't as many in the UK.