Friday, 22 June 2012

FF (75) & TGIF (58)

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.

This week's question feature is from
Roxanne @ Books and Blossoms

Q: If you could “unread” a book, which one would it be? Is it because you want to start over and experience it again for the first time? Or because it was THAT bad?

My Answer: oooh, interesting question. I would 'unread' the Harry Potter series so I could read it again for the first time, to enjoy that world all over again, recapture that magic and excitement. It would be awesome! 




This meme is hosted by GReads!

This Friday's Question: 
Authors Are Our Celebrities: Have you ever contacted 
an author you admired? How did that experience go?  If not, which author would you love to have a chat with? 

My Answer: I have met a lot of authors, I've been quite lucky. Either with events at work in the library, or going to events at bookshops. There are still so many more that I would love to meet or talk to. But there was a couple of occasions I want to share with you.

A couple of years ago I emailed 'Kate Constable' author of 'The Chanters Of Tremaris' series. I wanted to let her know how much I enjoyed her books, they were (and still are) some of the best YA fantasy I have read. I didn't expect a reply but I sent it anyway. Imagine how excited I was when she wrote back to me! She was so friendly and appreciative and answered some of my questions. I still have the email and it still makes me smile.


The other was a few years ago too, I read 'Dream Spinner' by Bonnie Dobkin and really enjoyed it, again I emailed her and told her I was a fan but also asked about the ending of the book. It was left slightly open and I wanted to know if there was a second book planned. She replied with thanks and explained that she had written another chapter closing the book but her publishers told her not to include it, they wanted the reader to decide the ending. Well, I would rather have the ending the author envisioned and Bonnie was kind enough to send me the final chapter she wrote. i felt very privaleged. You can find this extract on her website now, but at the time I felt very special.  

It just shows if you make an effort you will get a response. :D

What author experiences have you had?




Happy Hopping, have a great weekend everyone!!!


Stepping Out of the Page said...

Yes! I would like to unread Harry Potter too, just to relive the magic, wouldn't that be awesome?!

New to your blog,

Steph @ Stepping Out of the Page

The Brunette Librarian said...

Harry is very popular today :)

Happy Feature Friday @ The Brunette Librarian??

Unknown said...

Harry Potter is definitely the choice of the week to unread and experience it again

Shortskie's Hops

veela-valoom said...

Harry Potter is quite a popular answer! As much as I'd love to read it fresh at the same time I wouldn't change anything about the experience the first time.

My follow friday. Please visit!

barmybex said...

I thought he would be a popular choice.
Veela - I also agree that the experiences the first time were just as awesome and made my love for the series what it is. so maybe I wouldn't unread. It's a difficult decision.
Thanks all for stopping by. ;D

BLHmistress said...

I love Harry Potter, I know its one set of books I can go back to if I just want to escape and never tire of .



Rachel R. said...

I guess if I had read the HP series in the first place I could say this, but I haven't read it.
See what I said here:

barmybex said...

BLHmistress - I know what you mean, they are total comfort books that will never get old.

Rachel - OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how could you not have read HP???????? You are missing out on real treasure.