Friday 6 April 2012

FF (64) & TGIF (47)

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.

This week's question feature is from
The Romanceaholic 

Q: Have you ever bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review?

My Answer: I wouldn't say I've bought a book Because of a bad review, but I do like to go on Amazon etc and read the lower star ratings of books I am thinking of reading as well as the higher stars, gives you a better rounded view, but I've never let a bad review put me off a book. We all have different tastes and likes and that's fine, you still have to make your mind up about the book.

I will say though that I have looked at books that get negative press, such as 'Tempest', that exploded on Twitter etc and I have since looked at it in the Bookshops and decided I would actually quite like to read it, but I wouldn't buy it - just get it out the library. 


This meme is hosted by GReads!

This Friday's Question: 
Book Series Finales: Which book, from any series has been your favorite ending? What about your least favorite ending?

My Answer: this is quite a hard question actually. I get so involved in book series that ending are always a big ask for me, it has to be perfect. I loved the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants series and was quite happy with that ending (although there is now a new one that Ihaven't read yet.) 

A Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Ancient Darkenss by Michelle Paver, these all finished in a satisfying way I think.

Less satisfying would be 'Wolves of Mercy Falls' series by Meggie Stiefvater, I know she left it open deliberately but it felt a little bit like she had chickened out of deciding on a definitive ending in case people weren't happy with it. Just feels like too much was left open. I like final decisions. 


Happy Hopping, have a great weekend everyone!!!



Lady Bluestocking said...

Just saying "HI from the Hop!" Lady Bluestocking@3500WordsPerPound

Unknown said...

We have similar answers, I guess great minds think alike :)

Liza’s Feature Friday

Jim said...

Cool choices! Mine are at YA Yeah Yeah if you'd like to take a look. (I had Harry Potter as well!)

Kelly said...

Books that have been the centre of controversy because of the author's response to a review or comment generally get put on my "will-not-read" list. Then again, if the people who do read the book enjoy it, or if it has a summary that sounds particularly appealing, I might give it a shot anyways.

A negative review very rarely dissuades me from reading a book (different strokes for different folks), but a nasty reaction from an author definitely doesn't sit well with me!

New Follower :)

Feature & Follow at Radiant Shadows

Patricia said...

I heard alot of people saying that they were dissatisfied with Forever. I'm not sure myself yet. oô

Patricia // My FF

barmybex said...

HI Lady Bluestocking!
Liza- they do indeed. welcome to my blog. :D
YA Yeah Yeah, you can't beat a bit of Harry Potter.
Kelly- yeah I don't like authors who argue and b**ch, does not make a good impression and they just hurt themselves. But if a book has a good sounding storyline I will probably still read it. I think a lot depends on the situation.
Patricia - I can see why it ended the way it did, but I personally prefer a more concrete ending. but of course we are all different.

Thanks to all for stopping by. :D

Annette Mills said...

I Loved Sisterhood too! Even the last one. Great thoughts. Happy reading!

Rachel Cotterill said...

I agree with you - I like to get a balanced view :)

Following from FF - sorry it's taken me a while to get round to you! It's my first week joining in, I hope you might have time to visit my FF post.

barmybex said...

Annette - such a great series, I really want to read the last one, saving up so i can get it. Haven't seen it any shops though, will have to order online.

Rachel - nice to have you here, no worries. Hopping to your blog now. :D