Wednesday 25 April 2012

Guest Post: Angelita Williams

4 Reasons to Re-read your Childhood Favorites
Most of us have an ongoing list of novels or non-fiction best sellers waiting to be read. Some of them have been sitting on our night stands for years. Some we have yet to even buy. And, while it’s always important to exercise our minds and stay informed with our adult-only reads, maybe the reason those book are still sitting on the night stand is because our passion for reading has slowly started to fade. Remember when you used to beg your parents to read just one more page of your favorite childhood book? Or do you recall poring over a newly bought kids’ story late at night, when you were supposed to be sleeping? If you were an avid reader as a kid, these scenarios probably sound more than familiar. And, even if you’re currently buzzing through your adult reading list, there is always something to be gained from reviewing some of these childhood engaging stories, made just for kids, as an adult. In fact, there are plenty of reasons why re-reading your childhood favorites can be both fun and get you back to your adult reading (and life) with a refreshed and regenerated state of mind.
1. Free your mind and creativity.
Sometimes adults will only allow themselves to go so far into a fictional story before they become annoyed or uncomfortable. Even the most outlandish fiction for adults, like sci-fi mystery novels, can rub many of us the wrong way. It just doesn’t make sense, right? This is a sure sign that it’s time to re-visit the openness and creativity found in youth. In fact, some of the best kind of fiction can be found in a children’s story, where worlds are created that need no explanation or logical order. Try picking up one of your most fantastic childhood favorites and soak in the fantasy with eyes wide open.
2. Recall simple life lessons.
There is nothing like a children’s book to really break it down to you. The evil stepmother gets what she deserves. Bad deeds rarely go unpunished, and good deeds always receive karmic retribution in the end. Children’s books focus on the basic ways to be a good person in the world. As adults, even though we know that life is not always fair, it’s still important to remember that it is vital to treat others as you wish to be treated, and that good deeds really don’t go unnoticed (even if it feels that way, sometimes).

3. Remember you childhood dreams.
As you re-read some of your favorite children’s books, you may be struck by sensory memories of how you felt reading those stories as a child. What did you dream to be as an adult? What were you passionate about, and what were your fears? Re-connecting with these deeply buried emotions will re-connect you with your most intimate, pure, and genuine desires and needs. Listen to them, and allow yourself to recognize those realities (because they were real).

4. Find your funny bone.
If you really want to laugh, do it like a kid. There is nothing better than the straight-forward funny moments portrayed in children’s fiction. There need be no sarcasm or witty remark, no political satire or awkwardly uncomfortable moment. It only needs to be funny. If you’ve forgotten how to laugh for the sake of laughing, try reading some of your favorites with your favorite kid and let yourself experience the book, and the humor, anew.
This guest post is contributed by Angelita Williams, who writes on the topics of online courses.  She welcomes your comments at her email Id: angelita.williams7

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