Sunday 29 August 2010

Book Review - Cross Your Heart Connie Pickles

Welcome To The World Of Connie Pickles. Connie Used To Be The Only Sensible Person In Her World. But Now Her Life Is Spiralling Out Of Control. Her Mother Refuses To Fall For The Right Man, William Is Acting Strangely And Connie's Own Heart Is In Tatters. So With A Little Help From Her Friends, She Sets Out To Solve The Eternal Mysteries Of Love, Money, French Things (including Kisses) And Incredibly Uncomfortable Underwear.

My Review
I have never read anything by this author before, but had reda reviews saying she was like Louise Rennison who i love, so I thought I would give it a go. Now, she was nowhere near as good as Rennison, but in her own way it was very readable. There was definitely some laugh out loud moments. Connie and her best mate are determined to find her mum a suitable man, but the only possibilities are Connie's French teacher, her ex-husband, and the new guy in town who runs the chemist, but maybe Connie wants him for heself. Match-making is harder than it sounds, especially if you have no experience of love. Durant captures the reactions of teenagers very well in this book, such as a first crush, disgust at 'old people's' fashion sense and the boredom of school. The book is typical teenage fiction, ideal for reading on holiday, the chapters are quite short so you can dip in and out. It is written in the style of a diary and has a lot of raw emotion like a diary would. didn't make me cry came close but not quite, but i did laugh out loud quite a bit.

My Rating
I would give this book 5.5/10. It was an enjoyable read, good for an afternoon off, but i wouldn't really read it again.

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