Saturday 24 March 2012

Book Review - Lenobia's Vow

Title: Lenobia's Vow
Author: P.C & Kristin Cast
Series: House of Night (Novella)
Publisher: Atom
Release Date: 31 Jan 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1907411199

Before becoming Zoey's favourite professor and the House of Night's powerful horse mistress, Lenobia was just a normal 16-year-old girl - but with enough problems to last a lifetime. In 1788, Lenobia's father places her on a ship bound for New Orleans. An evil bishop, skilled in Dark magic, makes the same journey. His appetite for beautiful young women forces Lenobia to remain hidden, but she secretly visits the ship's stables, where a handsome young man and his horses capture her attention. Can they make it to the New World before the bishop discovers her true identity and a powerful evil breaks loose? And will Lenobia follow her heart, even if it puts lives at risk?

My Review
I really like the House of Night series and eagerly await each new installment, and these novellas help to tide me over between books.
I always liked Lenobia as a character, always calm but with a fierce presence, someone Zoey can talk to, ask for help. But i was curious as to find out more about her.
These are only novellas so they are really short (140 pages) so I managaed to read it quickly.
Lenobia is an illegitimate daughter of a Baron, working more like a servant in his house, but when his daughter dies from illness the day before she is due to leave for France, Lenobia ends up taking her place, embracing the chance to change her life for the better.
The book jumps right into the story and I felt an instant connection to Lenobia, the evil Bishop who boards the ship with her really gave me the creeps though, he is a great villain, no one really picks up on his darkness which makes him all the more dangerous.
The ship voyage is well done and the imagery really good, I could picture the inside of the ship and all it's going on in my head as I read. This is also where we first see evidence of Lenobias love of horses and her meeting the lovely young man Martin, who looks after the horses.
For such a short book there are a lot of twists and turns that will have you surprised and turning the pages quicker, each time I thought Lenobia had found her place and would settle down something would happen to throw it on it's head.
These books are like little appetizers given to you before a meal, sweet and tasty but leave you wanting more. I am really looking forward to the next book in the series, but think I have to wait a while for it yet.

 My Rating


Celeste said...

I can't wait to read it. I really enjoyed the first novella.

barmybex said...

They are good and nice and short - quick reads!