Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books and is an awesome way to for book bloggers to interact and find each other. Such a wonderful idea! There's a new question every week that all the participating blogs have to answer.
This week's question comes from Mia who blogs at Girl About Books:
"Who's your all-time favorite book villain?"
My Answer: ooh tricky, there are some really good ones out there. I'm going to give two answers, one will be the villain that scared/disturbed me the most, the other will be the one that had the most flair/style.
My first one isn't particularly just one person, I would say my favourite villain is the 'Government' in the Hunger Games, they are so twisted and evil and controlling, that they are definitely a great villain and very disturbing. They enjoy watching children die, and being tormented. You can't read these books without loathing the Government but also be intrigued by them, to me this makes a great villain.
My second one is 'Count Olaf' from 'A Series of Unfortunate Events', he is so bad at what he does it is funny, but give the guy kudos, he never gives up, I wouldn't want him coming after me.
Follow Friday

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.
This week's question comes is:
What embarrassing thing have you done on cold medicine?
My answer will be really boring here: NOTHING, i have never taken proper cold medicine, I used to take Soothers etc (throat sweets) but this gave me bad stomach pains (turns out I'm allergic to something in them,) so if I get a cold I just have to suffer, drink a lot of liquids and get loads of sleep.
But please, share your embarrassing moments.
I had a really hard time with the villian question this week. Here is my answer. http://bookskidsanimalsandmore.blogspot.com/2011/03/follow-friday.html
Just hopping by. I agree that it's really hard to pick one villain. The Government of the Hunger Games is a good pick. They definitely are twisted and sick.
Hopping through. Great choice on the Government and not just President Snow.
My Hop
Hey there, I just followed you for FF/Blog Hop and I'd really appreciate it if you stopped by my blog to follow me as well!
I'm a new blogger (less than two weeks) so I'd really appreciate any other new followers as well! Thanks. (^_^)
The government in the Hunger Games is a good choice. Villains aren't my typical fare. But I managed to think up three. Happy Blog Hop!
Just hopping by! Snow was my pick too. He does redeem himself for me by the end of the series with his confession- but I wasn't sad to see him go!
Stopped by from the blog hop.
Thanks for stopping by and all the great comments. Am stopping by all your blogs now. :D
I'm a new follower. I think it is a hilarious that you chose the Government as the villain. I haven't seen that yet.
Lots of people are saying President Snow and is definitely uber-creepy! Even up to his dying breath, if there was anything he could say or do to upset people, he was right on it. What made me sad about the end of the book was that the main characters NEVER seemed to get over it. Bummer.
Leck from Graceling and Fire was extra scary too. His sadistic mind-control was terrifying!
thanks for visiting. Madigan, great comment, no they didn't get over it, but learned to live with it, it was a rather big part of their lives.
I haven't read Graceling yet, keep meaning to though. :D
Thanks Elizabeth, I stopped by your blog, I haven't read the book your villain is from.
Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway, but i can't enter as I am in the UK, but thanks anyway. :D
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