So, whilst all those lucky people have made their way to New York for BEA, I'm sitting at home wishing I was there. So I've once again signed up to Armchair BEA. And this is our chance to get to know each other.
We have some questions to answer so here are mine:
1.Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
I am Becky, I am a Library Assistant, and am 24 years old. I've been blogging for just over 2 years, I originally started it as a way to keep track of everything I read. I then enjoyed the community aspect of the blogging world and teh excitement for books, reading and chatting.
2.Where in the world are you blogging from? Tell a random fact or something special about your current location. Feel free to share pictures.
I am blogging from the UK, East Anglia. I live approximately 40 minutes away from London (if you're lucky enough to catch a fast train!!!) This weekend I attended Collectormania fair in Milton Keynes which is about 20 minutes away from me. Collectormania is a smaller version of the MCM conventions where you can meet actors from films and TV (mainly Sci-Fi) Last year I met Amandla Stenberg who played Rue in the Hunger Games, and she was lovely. I got her autograph and a picture with her!
3.Have you previously participated in Armchair BEA? What brought you back for another year? If you have not previously participated, what drew you to the event?
I took part last year and really enjoyed it, I met some fab new bloggers and had fun. I just had to come back for another year.
4.What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2013?
I have just finished reading 'Scarlet' by Marissa Meyer, and not quite sure what I will pick up next, I have a pile next to me to be read. I have read some absolutely cracking books so far this year, I can't pick one favourite. But I'll mention a few I loved:
-Geek Girl by Holly Smale
-Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
-Fractured by Teri Terry
-Ink by Amanda Sun
-Poison by Bridget Zinn
5.Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.
I am currently learning how to do a full twisting pike somersault off the 1m springboard at Diving, hoping once I've got it right to make it a full twisting pike one and a half somersault off the 3m board.
6.Name your favorite blog(s) and explain why they are your favorite(s).
- Girls Heart Books, they do great posts and really encourage readers and writers. It is set up for children which I find useful for running my book group at work but it has a strong adult following too.
- Alison Can Read, I love her style and she is a real sweetheart. Great content, love her Manga Mondays and always so friendly.
- Parajunkee - a whole blog of awesomeness, I love her Follow Friday meme and she also does a blogger help meme every week that has really useful advice on it, I've learnt loads from her. She's also got fab style!
- Annette's Book Spot - A fellow librarian Annette and I have quite a lot in common and share a similar taste in books. Always great to get some book recommendations from and always happy to chat too. :D
7.Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?
Erm let me think, *slinks off to look through some posts...*
OK, at the start of this year I ran a promotion called 'Top 12 of 2012', it was a huge task for me, something I had never tried before and I got some great feedback from it, both from readers of my blog and authors.
I picked my top 12 books that I had read and contacted all the authors to see if they wanted to feature, I got interviews and giveaways from a number of them and I enjoyed doing it.
So in a way I cheat here with my favourite post, as I'm selecting the launch post of that promotion - but it has links to all of the posts done for the 12 days.
I'm proud of the work I put into the whole thing and with how it turned out.
8.If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?
Predictable answer here, but I have to say J.K Rowling. She is just incredible and I would love to meet her.
9.What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?
I would love to visit the countryside where WInnie the Pooh is set, I want to play Pooh Sticks on the bridge just like A.A Milne did. It seems so peaceful and beautiful there.
If not that then I would quite like to visit the Roald Dahl museum.
10.What is your favorite part about the book blogging community?
The fact that it is a really strong community. everyone is always so friendly and helpful and always happy to say hello.
11.Is there anything that you would like to see change in the coming years?
The only change I would make would be me actually being in America for the real live BEA, but for now I will enjoy sharing this experience with all of you. Armchair BEA is a great substitute and I love being a part of it.
I'll be participating via the Armchair too...so I'll see you around. Thanks for the mention...
I would love to have dinner with JK Rowling, too. I think I would just do something embarrassing and end up all tongue tied. BUT IT WOULD BE WORTH IT!
Enjoy Armchair BEA!
Meeting Amandla Stenberg must have been nice! She was so adorable in the movie. I was so, so sad when she died in the book and even sadder when I saw it happen in the movie :(
Poison by Bridget Zinn is one of my favorite for the year too :) The characters were fabulous (I love Fredrick).
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