Saturday 25 May 2013

Book Review - Legacy

Title: Legacy
Author: C.J. Daugherty
Series: Night School (book 2)
Publisher: Atom
Release Date: 3 Jan 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1907411229

In the last year, Allie's survived three arrests, two breakups and one family breakdown. The only bright point has been her new life at Cimmeria Academy. It's the one place she's felt she belongs. And the fact that it's brought dark-eyed Carter West into her life hasn't hurt either. But far from being a safe haven, the cloistered walls of Cimmeria are proving more dangerous than Allie could have imagined. The students and faculty are under threat, and Allie's family - from her mysterious grandmother to her runaway brother - are at the centre of the storm. Allie is going to have to choose between protecting her family and trusting her friends. But secrets have a way of ripping even the strongest relationships apart...

My Review
After devouring book 1 I couldn't wait to get stuck into this one. I really wanted to know what happens to Allie and her friends at Night School. I feel a part of their lives and want to know more. 
This one follows on from the end of book 1, Allie is still in trouble but not sure who is behind it. Every time she learns something new about those in charge or her own family past it tends to just cause more confusion or trouble. 
This review may contain spoilers from book 1 so if you haven't read that one yet you may want to before reading this. 
After the love triangle was mostly resolved in book 1, I assumed Allie would be settled in her choice but things happen in this book that change everything, and although I did back Carter in book 1 he really changes in this book, he is so much more guarded and harsh and actually starts to boss Allie around, telling her who she should be friends with, that is just not on, and I loved that Allie stood up for herself - even if it took a while to get there. I'm still not sure I particularly like Sylvain, there is a murky past there and something about him that niggles at me, but he did grow on me a bit in this book and puts others before himself. 
There is a web of lies running through the story - someone is betraying them all and passing information onto Nathanial, no one knows who to trust and the tension is well written, I started reading lies and possible deceit in all the conversations, I started sizing up the characters. I think I know who it will be in the end but I'm not going to say. I still don't fully trust Rachel - she knows too much but she is a good friend, and I don't think she would go that far. She's my biggest question mark though. But not my highest suspect.
I loved the integration of more pupils for the full term of school and how they all interacted. The school itself is well created, I actually feel like I have walked down the halls and been through the woods around it, everything just comes to life off the page.
This one had another shocking ending, although part of me deep down expected it. But it was still hard to see it come to it.
 I have found out that there is a third book due out in August of this year, I am desperate to get it. This book gives you more and more questions and builds up the climax of the story well, it's all gonna go down in book 3 and I am so excited for it. August suddenly seems so far away!

My Rating


Annette Mills said...

I just read the first one, and while it wasn't my favorite book, I'm interested in continuing. I was so confused. I tried to find out about the second book, and I saw Legacy, but didn't realize it was the second book. Thanks for clearing it up. Great review.

barmybex said...

glad I could help! Hope you enjoy book 2 - but it will leave you with more questions.
Thanks for stopping by. :D