Saturday 1 October 2011

Quote Love (28)

Quote Love is a new meme hosted by 'Midnight Twilight'. It's kind of like Teaser Tuesday from Should Be Reading, but with this one you can choose any quote from any book, not just the one you're currently reading. The quote can be thought provoking, or funny, or just really powerful, it's all up to you which kind of quote you choose.

Here is what you have to do to participate:
1) Choose one of your favorite quotes.
2) Post the quote, and write what you like about it.
3) Make sure to put the title and author so if someone else likes the quote they can check out the book.
4) Post your link on Midnight Twilight's Post.

So here is my quote for the week:

“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
Oscar Wilde

I thought this quote fit in well with this weeks 'Banned Book' Week. And I totally agree with it. What do you think?
Have a great weekend everyone. :D


Anonymous said...

It seems like all of the classic books in some way challenge the norm. I really like this quote.

barmybex said...

Yeah I'm surprised how many of them get 'banned'.
Thank you. ;D