Friday 11 May 2012

Insurgent - HELP, Please!!!

I need a GINORMOUS favour from one of my followers or fellow bloggers.
Let me explain.
I am slightly OCD, especially when it comes to my books and their covers. I have to have matching sets otherwise I won't have them on my shelves.

I absolutely loved Divergent and have it on my shelves proudly, it looks fantastic and has an incredible story, I have this cover:

It's perfect, fits the feel of the book and I just love it.

Of course I am desperate to read Insurgent, but they have changed the covers over here in the UK. They now look like this:

I really do NOT like these covers, they just look wrong to me. If these had been the covers from the start, I probably would have seen them differently and not minded, but compared to the originals they just don't work for me.
It also means of course my series would not now match. Therefore I am asking if one of my wonderful fellow bloggers that lives in America and can get the gorgeous proper cover like this:

Would be prepared to buy it and send it to me in the UK. Of course I will send you the money - cost of the book and postage. It's easier if you have Paypal as this does UK pounds to Dollar transfers and is a safe way of sending money.

If anyone is willing to do this for me I would be eternally grateful. My email address is on the About Me page and on the sidebar under 'Contact Me'. Or you can just leave a comment below.
Please help. I need to read this book!

Thank you in advance.


Lan said...

Hey Becky, I'm from Oz and am guessing it'll cost way too much to ship from over here. Would TBD be able to sent you the version with the cover you want?

barmybex said...

HI Lan, thanks, think OZ would cost too much. But I appreciate the offer.
I've tried TBD, and every time I click on that cover it reverts to the UK one. Don't know why it does that, but don't want to do it thinking I've got it then receive the wrong one.

Vicky @ A Backpack Full of Adventures said...

Have you tried The Book Depository? They have a hardback version of the US one :) I'm waiting for the paperback but yeah, I'm in the same boat as you.

Amber said...

Becky, I don't mind buying a copy and sending it to you. Email me at and we can work out the payment options and how-tos. I can totally understand your need to have both covers that match!

miki said...

hum perhaps it's because you are trying to buy it on did you try
( or perhaps it's because you are in the uk and thus the prefer to sell the uk version but from belgium i can choose)
I just checked to see if i could help you but if it's the paperback you wantthe first edition ( with ethe cover you like) is sold out on bookdepository it's for that you only see the new one.


i'm a bit like you so i understand how you feel.

Doodle said...

Hey Becky!

Have you tried They have the US cover for 22.99 with free shipping. Here's the link:

Hope this helps!
Doodle @ Doodle's Book Blog

barmybex said...

Vicky - I have tried, but it reverts back to UK version, think it searches for nearest distributor, but thanks anyway.

Amber - Thanks! I am waiting for someone who e-mailed me last night to get back to me again, but i'll keep your address in case. Really appreciate your offer. :D

miki - I have tried, but when I try to order from it, it diverts me back to the UK site, that's why I'm asking. But thanks anyway.

Thanks Doodle, appreciate it, but have some people who have offered now so I will use their kind help.

Thanks to everyone for their generous help.