Synopsis: “Ten-year-old Stanley Delacourt loves his quiet life in the peaceful village of Meadowwood. At least, he does until his best friend is killed. Then the town library—where Stanley lives and works—is burned to the ground. The individuals responsible for both tragedies are a nasty group of soldiers. They work for the kingdom’s new leader: Christopher Siren.
No one understands the rules Siren’s
creating. They don’t know why breaking them means death, or why the leader is
so keen to destroy books. And no one can figure out where the former queen and
king disappeared to—or if they’ll ever return. With the grown-ups too fearful
to take action, Stanley vows to confront Siren. He plans to get answers and
demand justice. Little does he know that his journey will involve
sword-wielding knights, kidnapper fairies, and dark magic.
Stanley has only two allies back
home. One is an intimidated witch named Meredith. The other is a young
apothecary called Sophie—who may have enchantment problems of her own. Can they
help him discover the reason behind Siren’s crimes and end this terrible reign?
Or is Stanley set to become the next victim in the tyrant’s evil plot?”
If you enjoy the fantasy works of
Rick Riordan, Lemony Snicket, or Philip Pullman, then explore the world of
Stanley Delacourt today!
Read the first chapter here for FREE!
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1 comment:
Thanks so much, Becky, for having me on your blog!
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