Becky, thank you so much for having me on
your blog! I love how the internet brings everyone closer, especially today
because CANVAS BOUND is set in the UK (where you are) and my main character,
Libby is from Michigan (where I am).
So I was perusing over Becky’s site to get
a feel for the type of blog she has when I clicked on her To Be Read list and
I’m pretty sure my jaw fell wide open. Not because there are a lot (200) books
on this list, but because I have a similar list of my own with many of the same
titles on it. (Shh! Do not tell my husband I already own most of them and they
are in the back of my closet. We’ll keep that a secret between us, okay?)
The problem I have with my TBR pile is that
I add more books to it than take away from it. I want to read them all RIGHT
NOW, but finding time to read is like finding time to write, there’s just never
enough of it to go around. The other problem is I’m a very slow reader. I can
read about 40 pages an hour, that’s if I’m not
interrupted by my husband or daughter and I don’t remember the last time I
wasn’t interrupted.
What I love about my TBR pile though, is
that it represents a wealth of writers who have come up with amazing stories to
share with the world. They have persevered through rejection letters and
submissions and edits and all the million little things an author has to do to
become published.
I speak from experience when I say it’s
worth it. All of it. And there are few greater joys than seeing your work in
print. My TBR pile may continue to grow and I may never see my closet floor
again, but I’m happy to keep supporting my fellow writers in making their
dreams come true!
If you’d like to know more about me or what
I’m working on, you can find me on Twitter,
Facebook and the web. Thank you again, Becky, and good luck
with your own TBR pile :)

Barnes & Noble: w/canvas-bound-laura-m-kolar/ 1116010131?ean=9781940215150
Book Page on RAP: canvas-bound-by-laura-m-kolar/
Author page on RAP:
It is sooo hard to read uninterrupted!! I feel like every couple of minutes someone has to stick their head it the room to ask stupid questions!!
And there are so many books but there is so little time!! :-)
Great guest post!! I loved it!!
Thank you so much for letting me stop by today!!!
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