Thursday 9 December 2010

FCSS - Some Awesome Sequels

I am going to share with you some of my favourite Sequels/Series.

 The Riddle by Alison Croggon - Book 2 in the Pellinor series.
I absolutely loved the first book in this series and devoured all the rest quite quickly, full of magic, danger and mystery, these are definite must reads!!

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins - Book 2 in the Hunger Games series.
I LOVE this series, and for me book 2 was just as good if not better than book 1. I could see what was going to happen for some of it, but i was still hooked and there were a few surprises. Collins is a LEGEND. Check my 'Readings So Far' list for a link to my review.

 Furnace: Solitary by Alexander Gordan-Smith - Book 2 in the Furnace series.

I read this last year, we were given book one as a nomination for 'Book of the Year' that we hold in our libraries and i was not looking forward to reading it. But once i had started i could not stop, and i very quickly made my way through the entire series. I also got to meet the author as he came to voting day, a special event held for Library Staff, he did a talk and a t-shirt design session.
These books are different and quite dark, but fascinating.


Hero.Com - Virus Attack by Andy Briggs - Book 2 in the Hero.Com series.

Again I read book 1 of this series for 'Book of The Year', also read 'Villain.Net' a partner novel. 
This series is amazing, a completely different idea to have tow series written side by side telling both views of the story. I liked the Hero series a bit more though, must be my good nature :D
Very easy to read with exciting plots, i would recommend to anyone.

What are you're favourite sequels???

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