Sunday 5 December 2010

First Come Second Served Month Begins!!!

This is a special Month run by Amber over at 'Down The Rabbit Hole'

It is about reading those sequels that we have sitting on our shelves but never get round to reading.

For my First week of the Month I will be Reading

"Fragile Eternity" by Melissa Marr

After the terrible events of Ink Exchange, the Dark Court has a new ruler. But will Niall's kindness survive his new responsibility to the most violent of Faerie courts? Meanwhile, Seth and Aislinn attempt to mend their relationship. But Aislinn is the Summer Queen and Keenan is her king -- and as summer approaches, their chemistry sparks. Will Seth's mortality lose him the one thing he loves above all others? As Niall seeks to control his new Court, Aislinn attempts to resist the seduction of summer, and Seth searches desperately for the gift of immortality, a delicate balance is threatened, and a terrible plot is revealed!

Head over to Amber's site to check it all out, and look back here everyday for updates and more!

Happy reading. :D


Amber said...

Awesome stuff! Make sure you link up on my post and I can't wait to see what you think of this one.

Lulu (The Bookworm is Here!) said...

Cool cover! I just am stopping by to say:

Congradulations! You've received the Versatile Award!

Please check out my post about this at:

Congrats from Lulu at The Book Addict!
-Lulu ;D

barmybex said...

Thanks, have done and linked to your site :D

Thanks Lulu, that's awesome, will check it out.