Sunday 16 June 2013

Book Review - Superior Saturday

Title: Superior Saturday
Author: Garth Nix
Series: Keys to the Kingdom (book 6)
Publisher: Harper Collins Children's Books
Release Date: 1 July 2008
ISBN-13: 978-0007175116

"Twenty-eight hundred executive-level sorcerers wait ready, should they need to counter any workings of the Keys held by the Pretender Arthur or a sorcerous attack from the Piper."
Arthur Penhaligon has wrested five of the Keys from their immortal guardians, the Trustees of the Will. But gaining the sixth poses a greater challenge than any he has ever faced before. Superior Saturday is not just one of the Trustees, she is also the oldest Denizen and the most powerful and knowledgeable sorcerer within the house.  

My Review
I lost my wind with this series a bit, I finished Friday and wanted to know what happens in the end but just couldn't make myself pick this one up. I did have a busy week which had something to do with it, but instead of snatching any moment possible to read I just wasn't picking it up. Then I decided to just sit down with it and get on with it. Ironically I actually started and finished this on Saturday, I started it in my lunch break then finished it when I got home. 
To me this book felt like a filler book. It seemed to be just setting everything up for the last book. All through the series Saturday has made herself known as 'the real threat', the one that's causing all of Arthur's problems and trying to take over the house, but I didn't really feel that she was all that bad. In fact she seemed to appear and then be defeated rather easily. No real contest. The real struggle was locating the 6th part of the Will. That was the part I liked the best, it was a whole different set up to the others and quite creative. 
Meanwhile back 'home' Leaf is trying to rescue all of the victims left behind from Lady Friday, Arthur was told there would be a nuclear attack on his home town, he has managed to slow time to give Leaf a chance at helping people, but no one knows if it's enough. If I'm honest the whole idea of him stopping the time was just a way of putting the 'real world' out of the way so he didn't have to focus on it. 
There was a lot of set up for the last location in the house - the 'Incomparable Gardens', and Arthur changing and adapting as he becomes more powerful. I actually liked Arthur a bit more in this book compared to the last few, he starts to accept things more and stops complaining so much. 
Despite the storyline being a bit flat, this is a quick read and I did race through the pages. I suppose I may have skim read it a little bit. I'm hoping the last book will be an exciting conclusion and much more substance. 
Worth sticking with if you're invested in the series.    

My Rating

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