Friday 6 May 2011

Book Blogger Hop: May 6th-9th & Follow Friday (16)

Book Blogger Hop
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books and is an awesome way to for book bloggers to interact and find each other. Such a wonderful idea! There's a new question every week that all the participating blogs have to answer.

This week's question comes from Twitter! Thanks to Melissa (aka Miel_et_Lait) who blogs at Miel et Lait.

 "Which book blogger would you most like to meet in real life?"

My answer: This is a hard one, there are so many great blogs I follow and bloggers I comment with, so I will cheat here and say a couple that spring to mind:

- Brandi from Blkosiner's Book Blog I have had some conversations with her through email and read some of her amazing writing, would be great to meet the person behind the words, and maybe get some writing tips :D

-Alice from The Reader Room I follow her blog, have watched some of her Youtube In My Mailbox meme's and have had some email conversations too. We share a passion for similar books, so would be great to sit and have a chat, we might introduce each other to some great new reads.

-Kristi from The Story Siren I love her blog and she gives out great advice, really helpful and seems really friendly. 
There are probably a lot more people, but I can't list you all.

Follow Friday

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.

This week's question comes from Al @ Magnet 4 Books

What character in a book would you most like to be, what character in a book would you most like to date?

My Answer: ooh, I think I would most like to be Ayra from Eragon, although she is captured and ends up in a pretty bad way in the first book, after Eragon rescues her she really comes into her own. The graceful elf with a great sense of right and wrong and an awesome personality, she can really hold her own.

I would most like to date , ooh this is a hard question. I think i would go out with Tamani from The Wings series by Aprilynne Pike, he is so sweet and puts up with so much crap. He's loyal and caring with a big heart. And from Pike's description, totally good looking hehe.

 Happy Hopping, have a great weekend everyone!!!


Tristan said...

Hi new follower, i never read Eragon but i have read wings and i'm def Team Tamani!! Stop by my blog http://readswithwrecklessabandon.blogspot.coom

Cait said...

It would be pretty cool to be Ayra, great choice!

barmybex said...

I haven't ever met any of my fellow bloggers and unfortunately I'm in the UK and so won't be attending the BEA :( It sounds amazing but too far to go and too much cost wise.

Yay for Team Tamani!!!

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

There are so many people I want to meet. This is such a hard question.

Brooke said...

Tamani almost ended up in my post, but in the end I chose another bad boy type-- Archer from Hex Hall.

Happy Hop!

barmybex said...

ooh I hadn't thought of Archer - good one. :D

brandileigh2003 said...

I just now saw this-- I'd love to meet you too!!

barmybex said...

hehe thanks Brandi :D
Maybe it will happen someday.