Friday 20 May 2011

Book Blogger Hop: May 20th-23rd, FF (18) & TGIF (1)

Book Blogger Hop
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books and is an awesome way to for book bloggers to interact and find each other. Such a wonderful idea! There's a new question every week that all the participating blogs have to answer.

This week's question comes from Ivan who blogs at Ivan Bookworm:

 "If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fictional world (from a book), which book would it be from and what would that place be?"

 My answer: Ohh that is such a good question, there are so many worlds I would love to go to, but think my top choice would be Alagaesia from 'Eragon', I would spend the day in the mountains, talking to Eragon, Ayra and Saphira, and if I was lucky get some rides on Saphira's back. Soaring through the air on a dragon- nothing could beat that!

Follow Friday

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.

This week's question comes from Ninja Girl Reads:

Q. It's circle time. Time for us to open up and share. Can you tell us FIVE quirky habits or things about you? We all have them...

My Answer:

1) I love the smell of chlorine, that moment when you walk in a swimming pool and the smell hits you. mmm

2) When I couldn't get to sleep when I was younger, I would list the main events in a books to fall asleep, my favourite was Animals of Farthing Wood - I would lie there going "First the Forest is demolished, Animals leave, pass the gardens, get caught in a bush fire, try to cross a road.... etc' Used to help me fall asleep.

3) When I go Diving (High Board) before I do a big scary dive I have to do a 'split leap' on the back of the board for good luck. If I don't it tends to go wrong (I'm mad I know)

4) My books are mostly arrranged by height order and series on my shelves. Any book thats a funny shape gets put somewhere like the pile on my floor.

5) I Love shelf tidying. At work we all get bays of books we have to tidy and put in order, most of the other staff find it a chore and a pain, but I find it relaxing and enjoyable.

Well, now you know I'm a weirdo, share your quirks too. :D



This is a new meme hosted by GReads!

This Friday's Question:

Back to the Beginning: What was the first book you reviewed on your blog?
Wow, this seems like such a long time ago, my first review was posted back on 11th August 2010 and was for 'Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis Complex, if you want, you can read it here 
My reviews have got a bit longer and more detailed since then, I think i've found my feet a bit more now.

 Happy Hopping, have a great weekend everyone!!!




Ms. C said...

Hopping by and now following, too! That would be such an awesome book to become a part of :) Great selection.

Take care & happy reading,
Ms. C

Jules said...

I love the smell of swimming pools too!

I'm already a follower


Please feel free to stop by my blog -

Ninja Girl said...

Hey there!
Your quirks are pretty cool actually :) I like the shelf tidying, might have to try that myself. Thanks for stopping by and am now going off to following you!
Ninja Girl

Obsession with Books said...

Hi & Happy Friday!

You have some interesting quirks :)

My answers for this weeks hops are here :)

Have a nice weekend.

Vicky said...

I thought I was the only one who loves the smell of chlorine! :D Great answers!

Ange said...

Just hopping through. Great answers to both questions =). I also share one of your quirks, I love the smell of chlorine!

Happy reading

My answers:

Unknown said...

My books are also arranged according to their height and I love dusting them off. Nice Answers and Happy Friday!

Teen Readers' Diary

Nina B. said...

I love the smell of the swimming pool too! It makes me think that the water is already touching my skin and it's so relaxing... Happy hopping Bex :D

Brush Up On Your Reading

test said...

Hopping by to say Hi *waves*
I'm your newest Follower!

Here is my list! of Quirky Habits!

Happy Friday to you!

Lindsay said...

Beautiful Blog!

New follower...Love your quirky habits! Stop by and visit at


Anonymous said...

I also love the smell of chlorine!

New follower!


gabrielreads said...

I'm a new follower from the Hop!

I've never read Eragon before, although I'll eventually get to it. I chose Harry Potter this week, which seems to be a favorite for this question.

Also, I may have to try your falling asleep trick. I tend to have a hard time falling asleep at night. I bet it would work for 25-year-olds as much as it worked for a kid.

kathy said...

Those are some fun facts! I'm actually terrified to dive, even just from the edge of the pool. Maybe I should try a leap first. :)

Happy Friday!
kathy from Read This Instead

barmybex said...

WOW, thanks to everyone for visiting and following - old and new.

I always thought I was an odd one to like Chlorine, so it's great to hear all you others do too! :D

I'm stopping by all your sites now to return the love. :D

And 'Gabrielreads' it does work for adults too, I'm now 22 and still fall back on it occasionally if I can't sleep. Hope it works for you.

Have a great week everyone.

Amber (Books of Amber) said...

I love sorting out bookshelves too. Whenever I'm in the local charity shops I am so tempted to tidy up and sort the books. Alas, I don't think that's allowed :P Haha.

Have a great weekend, m'dear!
Books of Amber

Howard Sherman said...

I’ve seen a lot of great picks and gathered some fresh titles to add to my ever-growing TBR list. My answer will probably stun most people because the world I picked is a place most people would be scared to death of and try to escape from. Me? I want in.

Hop on over to my blog and be prepared for the unexpected –

Howard Sherman

Shana said...

I organized by height too until I couldn't find anything! Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from the Feature and Follow Friday blog hop. Would love a follow back: I also have twitter: @wlbks and a facebook page: Have a 'good read' weekend!

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

That's a great way to go to sleep. Maybe I'll sleep more if I try it.

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. The smell of chlorine does seem like summer. It's a nice smell.

Anonymous said...

hopping through and love the site. I grabbed you badge and am a follower. I also added you to my blog roll.
Have a great weekend,

Nina B. said...

Hey Becky! Your feature for Shelf Saturday is already up! Check it out here: Shelf Saturday featuring Becky @Becky's Barmy Book Blog

Have a great weekend!

Brush Up On Your Reading

Bex said...

Like your list! Very interesting! And I kind of like that chlorine smell as well. :)

My quirky list can be found here!

Rebecca @ kindle fever

Soon Hana said...

Hi Becky, I'm a new follower from Follow Friday. Your quirk before doing a dive is pretty cool and I absolutely adore your bookshelves (@ Brush Up Your Reading), your room is book heaven! (^.^)

barmybex said...

Thanks Brenda for grabbing my badge! that's cool.

Thanks to everyone else for stopping by.

Nina thanks for my shelf feature, i've now done a post to advertise it.

T.B no problem, i find it's a good way to orgnise.

Alison and Bex - chlorine is refreshing and summery, glad you agree. :D

Soon Hana glad you like it.

Have a great weekend everyone. :D