Friday 8 June 2012

Armchair BEA - Ask The Experts

"Today's topic is Ask The Experts. In your post, ask the visitors to your blog for blogging advice. What did you always want to know about blogging but were afraid to ask? Now is the time!

Alternatively, if you've been blogging for awhile, you've probably learned a thing or two. Whether you stumbled upon a something that makes blogging easier or made a mistake you'd never want anyone to repeat, share your experience and wisdom with others."

OK, I never have and probably never will, claim to be an expert, a lot of the time I figure I'm making it up as I go along.
I think as long as you have passion, perseverance and enjoy what you're doing then you can't really go wrong. Read as much as possible and write posts as often as you can - as the say, practice makes perfect.

If you want proper tips though, I suggest you look at 'Parajunkee' blog, she does 'Book Blogging 101', filled with tips and advice. I've learnt so much from her. She doesn't claim to be an expert either, but she certainly seems to know her stuff.

As for things I would like to know. Well, understanding html coding would make things easier, but it doesn't impact too much.
Mostly I just want to know that people are reading and enjoying my blog. Even if it just reaches one person, but makes a difference to that person then I am happy, however the more I get the merrier, I am grateful for every single one of you! Thanks for following, commenting and just being a part of this awesome community.
Let me know if there is something you think I should change/revise on my blog. (Constructive criticism only please). What would you like to see more of? This is your chance to tell me. Ideas for features/memes/reviews/posts, anything. :D


Arianne said...

I appreciate people that comments most of all.. I've learned so much from blogging over the past year.

I don't want to pay for a design so I just try to find a template I like and hope that I can edit the html. So far, I've been very lucky with my current design and I'm very happy with it :D The designer is amazing

barmybex said...

I love getting comments too, definitely one of the best parts. :D

I ended up paying for my design as I didn't have a clue about html and I still don't. But i found someone I liked who had reasonable prices and I.m really glad i did it. I admire the people that can create such awesome designs.

Thanks for stopping by. ;D

Nea said...

Nice post Becca! :) And I'm glad you had fun this week! So happy I met you! I'll see you around for sure ;)

barmybex said...

Thanks Nea! Was great to meet you too. :D