Friday 1 July 2011

Book Blogger Hop: July 1st - 4th & FF (24) & TGIF (7)

Book Blogger Hop
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books and is an awesome way to for book bloggers to interact and find each other. Such a wonderful idea! There's a new question every week that all the participating blogs have to answer.

This week's question comes from Sue who blogs at Cookie’s Book Club !:

What keeps you reading beyond the first few pages of a book, and what makes you want to stop reading a book and put it back on the shelf?

My Answer: I like a book that can grab me from the start, pull me into another world. The characters have to be people I can relate to, and have enough action to make it exciting.  However, I hardly ever give up on a book, I am fiercely determined, I always live in the hope that a book will get better. I have only ever given up on one or two books. They just weren't believable and the writing was slow paced and didn't flow well. Mostly I keep reading because there are such good stories out there!!!

Follow Friday

Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.

This week's question comes from Erika @ Let's talk about books

Q. ACK! Your favorite book/movie character just walked into the room! Who is it and what would be your first reaction? 

My Answer: Ooh so many possible answers, but if it has to be someone from a book and a movie, then I would pick Hagrid played by Robbie Coltrane in Harry Potter, and my reaction would be "WOW, you've finally come to give me my acceptance letter to Hogwarts!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"


This meme is hosted by GReads!

This Friday's Question:

Mr & Mrs: Who are your favorite book couples?

My Answer: My favourite couples are:
- Sam & Grace from Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
- Harry & Ginny from Harry Potter by J.K Rowling
- Claire & Shane from Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine
- Katniss & Peeta from Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

There are loads more, but i'd be here all day! :D

 Happy Hopping, have a great weekend everyone!!!


Unknown said...

Totally loved your answer!!! In fact, mine is really different but to meet Hagrid would be awesome!

This is my FF answer, feel free to pass by:

Hugs and hope you have a great weekend,


Anonymous said...

Great choices! I love Harry and Ginny too!

Jess (Gone with the Words) said...

I love Claire & Shane! Should've added them to my list. :( Great list!

Jess @ Gone with the Words

mrs_laura_koehler said...

I picked Sam and Grace too. Can't wait to read Forever to see where there story ends.
Happy Reading!!!

Madigan Mirza said...

Now that I think about it, I have a lot of books that I haven't finished... although if a book is truly awful, sometimes I'll keep reading it just to find out if it gets better, or sometimes it's so awful that it's good, if you know what I mean. I guess I give up on a lot of mediocre books.

Still, there's usually a reader out there for everything. What I can't stand, someone else can't get enough of.

Haha, I say that all the time about Hogwarts. I'm still waiting for my owl! Clearly, there's been some kind of mistake! (No one is allowed to make a Star Wars joke here: "Too old! Too old to begin the training!")

Jessica (Peace Love Books) said...

Awww I love Hagrid! Awesome choice :) Here's my FF!

-Jessica (Peace Love Books)

Anonymous said...

I can relate to your comment that you hate giving up on a book in hopes that it will get better!

kathy said...

yay for Hagrid! He's such a fun choice. :) And I had a heck of a time narrowing down my couple picks. But I have Katniss and Peeta, too.
Happy Friday!
kathy from Read This Instead

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

I never really felt Harry and Ginny as a couple. It just didn't sit right with me.

barmybex said...

Alaiel- thanks, I love Hagrid, am stopping by your site now.

Sharon, Sommer, Jessica (Peace,Love) - thanks, Harry & Ginny were meant to be.

Jess- yay, most of the time i say Claire and Shane and people say who? so yay they have other fans :D

Laura - I am desperate for Forever - I cannot wait!

Madigan - I totally get what you mean, I just can't seem to give up!
You're never too old to believe!

Deb -I'll check out the Giveaway, thanks. :D

Kathy - thanks

Kathy - Katniss and peeta were meant to be, look forward to seeing who you picked.

Alexis - my friend said the same thing, but I think they're sweet.

Have a great weekend everyone. Happy Blogging.

Unknown said...

Happy Follow Friday! I'm a new follower - please check out my blog! Steph @

Kaye M. said...

Awesome answers! New follower!

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I kind of with Claire and Michael would get together. Maybe it's because I love vampires so much, but I love Michael.
My Hop

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

I wouldn't mind that acceptance letter either. ;) Good picks on your fave couples btw.
Happy July 4th holiday.

barmybex said...

Steph & Kaye - Welcome! hopping back to you. :D

Alison- I love Michael too, but think him & Eve make an awesome couple!

Jen - thanks, happy holiday to u too. :D

Beth said...

Great answers, happy fourth and I'm your newest follower.

barmybex said...

thanks Beth, welcome to my blog. :D

Pedantic Phooka said...

Stopping by via Crazy-For-Book's Blog Hop. I'm following you.

I'm having a giveaway on my blog this weekend, so please stop by!

Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

barmybex said...

Pedantic Phooka - thanks for following, I'll stop by your blog and check it out, thanks. :D