Thursday 7 July 2011

User Survey

My blog had been running now for just under a year.
It has grown more than I ever expected it to, I created it as a place to vent my enthusiasm for books but never imagined so many people would be interested in what I have to say. I am thankful to everyone who reads my blog!

In order for me to make my blog as enjoyable to read as possible, I need some feedback. I have never done a survey before, but thought it was about time to ask you, my readers, for your opinion.

If you could fill in the form below I would be very grateful. As an added incentive please leave your email address in the comments below this post (if you don't want your email address published just say so in the comment. All my comments get validated by me before actually going up) I will then choose one out at the end to win a Bookmark prize pack. So you can gain for helping. Of course if you just want to answer my form without entering that is fine. :D

Thank you very much.


Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

I love surveys :)

I might try this one day. Great idea!

Nicki J. Markus / Asta Idonea said...

I might as well enter as I love bookmarks! Just finished your survey.

Nicki J Markus
nickijmarkus AT y7mail DOT com

barmybex said...

thank you :D