Tuesday 12 July 2011

Weekly Book Blog Bonanza (2)

Hey everybody! Another week of the Weekly Book Blog Bonanza! is here. The idea is that any and all book bloggers add their link to this list, and then all of the participants can have a look at each other's blogs, see some great content, and gain some new followers! If you're interested in participating, here are the rules:

  • You must be following the host blog (Teen Fiction Centre)
  • You should try to post a Book Blog Bonanza feature on your blog, with the Bonanza's badge
  • You should answer the Question of the Week in your post
  • If someone follows you, try to follow them back
  • Have fun!
So there are the rules, I hope you agree that they are all completely fair! here is this week's question:
"What is your favourite book-to-movie adaptation?"
Answer: This would have to be 'The Secret Life of Bees' they were so faithful to the book I was astonished, it was so close and so well done, it literally lifted off the page onto the screen. The actors played the parts perfectly and the sets were great. Just wow.
Although it's not my favourite book or film ever, it is the best adaption.
So which is your favourite? Head over to Teen Fiction and sign up. 


JacobTeal said...

I've neither read the book or watched the film, but maybe I'll check it out. It is very rare that a film is kept true to the book, but when it does happen, it's great!

Thanks for taking part in the Weekly Book Blog Bonanza Becky!

barmybex said...

Is definitely rare, but most films they do a good job with, but this was by far the most faithful. :D

Anonymous said...

Hmm...haven't seen it, but I'll be sure to check it out!

(oh man...why don't you allow regular Name/Url comment profiles? I hate using OpenID, and I don't have a blogger account.)

barmybex said...

I didn't know there was a limit to my comments. Will try to have a look and see what's happening, but I'm not very good at the technical stuff.

Vivian said...

I liked "Where the Wild Things Are" as a movie. I wasn't sure about it at first but I think the movie gave a new dimension to the story once I gave it a chance and of course I loved the costumes !