Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books and is an awesome way to for book bloggers to interact and find each other. Such a wonderful idea! There's a new question every week that all the participating blogs have to answer.
This week's question is:
“In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned or frequently challenged book”?”
Click here for 2010-11 list in PDF format. You can also click HERE to view past years and choose from any of those titles!
My Answer: From the list I have to pick 2. Of course 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins, such an amazing book, yes it is violent, but it also has a string message of love, trust and standing up for what you believe in.
The second one on the list is 'Twenty Boy Summer' by Sarah Ockler, I loved this book it's bittersweet and funny and serious and just breath-taking. So it has a few mentions to sex, it's not graphic, and she does try to emphasize the importance of love in a relationship.
Follow Friday
Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs! Want to join? Check it out at Parajunkee.
This week's question feature is from The Bookaholic
Q. What book that hasn't been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?
My Answer: ooh, I would love to see 'The Morganville Vampires' by Rachel Caine and would have Emma Roberts as Claire Danvers, Lucas Till as Michael Glass, Matt Lanter as Shane and I'm not sure about Eve, Johnny Depp or David Tennant as Myrnin,
This meme is hosted by GReads!
This Friday's Question:
This meme is hosted by GReads!
This Friday's Question:
Banned Books: How do you feel about the
censorship of the freedom to read? Do you think the education system
needs to be more strict on what children are exposed to in books?
Great choices! I haven't read the Morganville Vampires, though it's on my TBR list!
New follower!
My Hop and FF: Mom Reads My Books
I also think that if anyone then parents should decide what their child reads! Books are meant to stretch your imagination and challenge you! Come on over if you have the time:
Juli @ Universe in Words
I still need to read 'Twenty Boy Summer' by Sarah Ockler! It looks so good and I've read wonderful reviews!
I totally agree with your opinion on banned books. And I loved the Hunger Games as well! It might be very violent, but there are also positive messages in there too.
I've never read Twenty Boy Summer but based on your description I am adding it to my TBR list - so many great banned books! :)
Haven't read the Morganville Vampire series, but those are all great actor picks! I'm sure they would rock a vampire movie :D
Amy's FF
Great picks! I haven't read The Morganville series yet! I've heard a lot about it!
My Follow Friday!
Amie - I love Morganville - they are awesome, you should definitely read them.
Juli - Thanks, glad you agree.
Karen - It's really good, I strongly recommend it.
Alexa - Thanks. I can't wait for the movie. :D
Kat - I hope you enjoy it.
Amy - You should read them, so good, but thanks anyway. :D
I'm gonna hop back to all of you now. x
Hopping through. Morganville Vamps is a great idea! I love those books.
My Hop
I haven't read Twenty Boy Summer but I'm sure someone read the title, made some assumptions and then challenged it. People frustrate me with this book banning thing.
Thanks Alison :D
Alexis - I'm sure you're right. And the whole banning thing is ridiculous if people stopped to think about it. Everyone has different tastes.
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